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Dear 2019

Writer's picture: alyssacorleyalyssacorley

I have never been one to stick to my New Years resolutions. I start off thinking that I'm about to just turn my life around and then go into March with, mostly, the same habits that I ended the previous year with. For some reason, however, I feel different about 2019. I am happier, more motivated, and more confident than I have ever been in my life. Being in college has sort of transformed me as a person. I feel like I can be the most true version of myself, and I honestly don't care what people think about me at all anymore (which is a massive deal for me!) This year, I have a few goals in mind that I am pretty confident I can stick to.



1. Blogging

When I started my blog in October, I knew in the back of my mind that it would be a little off and on at first. I took a ridiculous amount of classes for my first semester in college, and I was working two jobs. This left pretty much no time to take photos for my blog and then write the posts later on. Now, I am taking less classes, only work during the day, and have lots of time for my blog! In 2019, I hope to grow a following and reach as many people as I can. This will be my platform to spread positivity and share everything I love!


2. Health & Fitness

In high school, I was a cheerleader and I danced. This kept me in shape naturally without even realizing it. Suddenly, I've noticed that I am becoming out of breath after walking up just two flights of stairs. To stop this madness, I am joining a gym and changing my eating habits. I have been doing some research on different healthy eating tactics and decided that I hate mostly all of them. The word "diet" is very unappealing to me and doesn't motivate me at all. Intuitive eating, however, is something that I am really excited to start doing. There really isn't much to it- you basically just eat what feels good to you. This means that when you eat fast, processed foods everyday, you aren't going to feel good, and if you actually want to change, you will make the right decisions on your own. A specific "diet" isn't what I want to live by. I am excited to make my own healthier eating choices that I don't feel controlled by! Going to the gym and taking various classes is something I am also really looking forward to. I love the feeling of relief and satisfaction after a great workout! The one thing I am not going to sacrifice in my health journey is coffee- I am confident that I am Dunkin' and Starbucks' most loyal customer.


3. Money Saving

I am NOT good at saving money. Most of the time, I literally have no clue where my money even goes. I get paid, and then have $30 left of it three days later. I contribute a huge amount of that to eating out. Going along with my health & fitness resolution, eating at home will help me save tons of money and be much healthier. (Except for coffee, it's just not the same when I make it at home.) I once saw a challenge that makes you save one penny one day, two pennies the day after, three pennies the next, and so on. Eventually, that adds up to almost $700 by the end of the year! I plan to do little things like that to have extra cash for trips, nice items I've dreamed of having, and more. Refraining from buying senseless things that I don't really need is another bad habit of mine that I need to do in 2019. No Alyssa, you don't need to buy three different flavors of gum just because you can't decide which one you want right now.


4. Self Care

I don't really "treat myself" very often, I guess you could say. Getting a coffee and putting a face mask on at night is the closest thing I come to that. Although those things are great, they are very easy and not out of my normal routine. In 2019, I need to invest time into myself. I want to have my nails done with my mom or friends, get a facial every once in a while, or buy myself something I've wanted for a while if I feel like I deserve it. Hopefully, doing this will make me feel more confident and less stressed. I recommend everyone take small steps to "treat yourself" to live a more fulfilled life.


2019 is going to be a great year, as long as you make it that way for yourself. Resolutions are a great way to have a clean start to your life, but you don't need a new year, new week, or even a new day to do that. Start making habits that will positively impact your life whenever you want! I plan to make updates every so often on how I am keeping up with my resolutions. I am really looking forward to growing my blog and devoting so much time to it in 2019! Share and keep on the lookout for new posts at LEAST once a week.

Thanks for being here!

xoxo, Alyssa



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